
Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was an English philosopher, statesman, and scientist, often regarded as the father of empiricism. He played a pivotal role in the development of the scientific method, advocating for experimentation and observation. Bacon introduced the use of "tables" or grids in his work to systematically organise information, a method that laid the groundwork for modern data visualisation. His approach to structuring data in a clear, comparative format influenced the later development of charts and graphs, contributing significantly to the field of data representation.

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Available graph paper types include:
Graph Paper | Grid Paper | Isometric Paper | Hexagonal Paper | Lined Paper (or Note Paper) | Polar Paper (or Polar Chart Paper) | Radar Paper | Ternary Paper (or Ternary Plot Paper) | Artists Grid Paper | Vitruvian Man Paper | Math Axis Graph Paper | Probability Paper | Logarithmic Paper

Would you like to Customise your Graph Paper by type, size and paper orientation?

Here are some quick links to commonly used graph paper designs: dotted grid paper (A4/portrait), graph paper (A4/portrait), isometric grid paper (A4/portrait), and hexagonal grid paper (A4/portrait),

See our full list of available graph papers (types and sizes)

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