
Napier's Bones

Napier’s Bones, invented by John Napier in 1617, were an early calculating tool designed to simplify complex arithmetic. These rods, made of wood, metal, or ivory, featured multiplication tables that allowed users to quickly multiply, divide, and even find square roots.

Each rod represented a digit, and by arranging them, users could perform calculations more efficiently - a significant innovation before the invention of mechanical calculators. Napier’s Bones became widely popular, revolutionising mathematical computations in trade, navigation, and science.

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Available graph paper types include:
Graph Paper | Grid Paper | Isometric Paper | Hexagonal Paper | Lined Paper (or Note Paper) | Polar Paper (or Polar Chart Paper) | Radar Paper | Ternary Paper (or Ternary Plot Paper) | Artists Grid Paper | Vitruvian Man Paper | Math Axis Graph Paper | Probability Paper | Logarithmic Paper

Would you like to Customise your Graph Paper by type, size and paper orientation?

Here are some quick links to commonly used graph paper designs: dotted grid paper (A4/portrait), graph paper (A4/portrait), isometric grid paper (A4/portrait), and hexagonal grid paper (A4/portrait),

See our full list of available graph papers (types and sizes)

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